【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI 反腐记载片《历久在路上》热播
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【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI 反腐记载片《历久在路上》热播
发布日期:2024-08-20 04:12    点击次数:197

【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI 反腐记载片《历久在路上》热播

以反腐为干线的专题片《历久在路上》于10月17日到25日晚八点在央视一套播出【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI,因多名省部级高官落马后首度现身而激发公论神气。

Corruption Fight Is Always Underway, an eight-part documentary produced by the CPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection and CCTV, was aired on national television to show the stories of former senior officials who have fallen from grace during the country's anti-graft drive. 由中纪委和中央电视台制作的八集反腐记载片《历久在路上》在央视播出,展现了多名在反腐算作中落马高官的贪腐细节。





第一集:东谈主心向背(winning or losing public support)


周本顺(河北省委原秘书):“我作念梦王人莫得猜度我会落到这种结局。从小咱们吃过好多苦,是以是从费事之家出来的,从小就敌视贪官,到终末我方成了贪官,我嗅觉这是一个莫大的悲悼。” “I never expected I would have such an ending. I was brought up in a poor family and endured a lot of hardships since childhood. I hated corrupt officials since I was young, but I became one in the end. It's just so sad."”


白恩培(世界东谈主大环资委原副主任):“理想信念丢失了,精神追求莫得了,冲破了作念东谈主的底线,连法律的红线也触摸了。我烦恼,共产党多年培养的省委秘书,何如变成这形状,我给党组织带来的耗费太大了。” “Ideals and faith were lost, so was spiritual pursuit. I have crossed the bottom line and touched the red line in law. I deeply regret my actions. As a Party chief trained and educated by the Communist Party of China for so many years, how could I become such (a corrupt official)? I caused huge damage to the Party.”


李春城(四川省委原副秘书):“东谈主生王人是现场直播,莫得目的重来,而每个东谈主王人得为我方的步履讲求,这是亘古不变的。” “Life is like a live broadcast. There's no way of rewinding time. Everyone has to be responsible for his or her behavior. That's the rule.”

第二集:以上率下(setting good examples)


谷春立(吉林省原副省长):“划定是细目学了,然而有期间氛围整得融洽一些,我也合计,随机在酒桌上互助点事,大致增进一些情怀相互了解,是以互助起来使命比拟便捷。” “I have learned the rules and regulations for sure, but at times, I felt it would be easier to get work done if we could talk about business at dinner table, this would help us further understand each other as well.”

反腐记载片《历久在路上》热播 【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI

万庆良(广州市委原秘书):“跟他们所有这个词举止,王人不必我方买单。固然有不少王人是企业家,就合计这点他们也会惩办,莫得去想这个事。合计环球王人这么,就有种随机应变的想想,莫得沉稳的正派从政的这种机敏性。” “I never paid for myself when I was with business people. I thought it was a common practice. I failed to bear in mind the importance of the 'clean-hands policy' in government administration.”

第三集:踏石留印(leaving marks when treading on stones)


王天普(中石化原党构成员总司理):“跟着职务的升高,在不同的一种层面的职务,它有不同的一种耗尽的方式和耗尽的尺度,还有一种攀比的心态。就在这种大环境下,在你的职务这种光环下,忘乎是以了。” “Over the years, I was appointed to increasingly higher-ranked positions and I couldn't help but compete with my peers on banquet spending. I had my head in the clouds when I held such high positions.”


杨卫泽(南京市委原秘书):“正本私东谈主企业主请我吃饭,我认为环球王人很熟识了吃就吃吧,好像合计不是什么大事,这内容上即是想想上的缓慢,到终末赋闲,终末害了我方。” “I am a victim of my own making. My wrongdoings started with meals with business people. I didn't think it was a big deal to have meals with them. But what started as a little indulging ended up getting way out of hand.”

第四集:利剑出鞘(swords shown)


苏荣(十二届世界政协原副主席):“不仅灭亡了我我方,也坑了老婆,害了女儿,将全家带上经济违法的幽谷。他们要是不是秘书的老婆,秘书的女儿,莫得我这个省委秘书,什么王人干不成,不会出现这个问题。” “My corruption destroyed not only myself, but also my wife and son, sending the whole family into an abyss of economic crimes....Without a Party chief like me, they would not have acted like that.”


聂春玉(山西省委原常委、秘书长):“王人是逢年过节考核,一般来说两三万好意思元。然而一般不骨鲠在喉说,我要当哪个秘书,或者我要当哪个县长,闲扯两句话就走了。......心里也王人明晰,每个干部筹谋是,下一步是想干啥王人明晰,应该明晰。” “During holidays, officials at lower levels came to send usually $20,000-30,000 (as bribes). They don't say directly what they wanted ... But I know every official's purpose.”

第五集:把标准挺在前边(disciplines first)


吕锡文(北京市委原副秘书):“我简直不好真谛去探访,这个屋子到底给我优惠了若干钱,我元元本本莫得去问,我根柢不敢去探访,简直,我简直就不敢,我说我有点挺怕濒临这个的。” “I was embarrassed and ashamed to ask about exactly how much discount they gave me on the houses. I never asked about that. I didn't dare to ask, really. I felt like I was kind of afraid of facing it.”

第六集:拍蝇惩贪(bringing down both tigers and flies)


张士龙(宁阳县民政局福利办原主任):“我其时因为炒股票,大起大落,一天可以跌得一分钱莫得,是以还剩不到一万块钱,是以为了从股市上补回少量耗费吧。” “I lost heavily in the stock market a few years ago. I (took the public funds for disadvantaged families) to cover for the losses in the stock market.”


潘光旭(银海区征地办原使命主谈主员):“想过是犯法,然而呢,依然要去作念,想想即是嗅觉上这个班好像没什么钱相通,合计钱太少了,那种贪心、虚荣之类的。” “I've contemplated the consequences of what I did. I knew it was illegal, but I failed to stop the violations because I was greedy for money and mine was not enough for me.”

第七集:天网追逃(skynet hunting)


王国强(辽宁省凤城市委原秘书):“密斯就问我你为啥,咱家缺钱吗?你跟我妈王人是公事员,单元王人可以,你又是引导,缺钱吗?我没法恢复孩子,我合计那一刻我不是父亲了,我就好像濒临稽查官来提审我相通,心里很痛。” “My daughter said: 'What's this all about? You and mom have nice jobs and you are an official. You have enough money!' I felt incompetent as a father at that moment. It felt like that I was being interrogated by a procuratorate officer, that was painful.”


李华波(江西省鄱阳县财政局原股长):“去一次以后就合计有点上瘾,有期间简直是有点不计成果的形状,拿了以后输了,输了又去拿,好像到我方家里保障柜里拿钱相通的。” “I got into gambling there (casinos in Macao) after visiting for the first time. Regardless of the consequences, I lost heavily, but came back with public money.”

第八集:标本兼治(addressing both the symptoms and root causes of corruption)


刘铁男(国度发改委原副主任):“中央发了好多的标准条目,引导干部子女不可作念交易,80年代就有。明知谈违章完了还要去作念,利令智昏,我就想想是利令智昏,让我方的身手王人低了,判断问题的才智王人低了,太深远了。” “I was aware of the regulations that prohibit the offspring of officials from doing business (in the areas or the same city where the officials are in charge). It was the lust for money that clouded my judgment and lowered my IQ. This is a hard lesson.”


蒋洁敏(国务院国资委原主任):“我我方的罪戾很大,对国度、对东谈主民、对资源的设立、对党的形象,王人变成了十分紧要和敬敏不谢的影响和耗费。认罪、吃法。” “I've committed heinous crimes. I caused a huge loss for the country's natural resource development and tainted the reputation of the Communist Party of China. I plead no contest to the conviction.”

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)【BLK-220】kira★kira BLACK GAL 留年5年目のお姉黒ギャル女子校生 生姦JK連続中出しハイスクール EMIRI

上一篇:【BLK-226】kira★kira BLACK GAL 黒ギャル露出セクハラ1日店長-アダルトDVDショップの売り上げ倍増中出し計画- EMIRI 性交之前要不要洗一下阴部
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